Thursday, December 13, 2012


The other day, while browsing Wikipedia, I wondered how hard it must be to have weird fetishes without being able to share them with someone or even to discuss them with your partner. So the idea that struck me was that a computer could ask both partners about their fetishes, then compare their answers and finally reveal only the common ones. So I thought I'd make a website about this. After a little brainstorming I thought that turning this into a full fledged sex questionnaire, aiming to give ideas to couples too, would be even better. So I started making Sexionnaire.

I had my girlfriend help me with the graphics and with compiling the huge questionnaire. It turns out the database is bigger than the site's code. The site is written in PHP from scratch with a little jQuery for the expanding list effects and the asynchronous requests. Anyway the site can be found at

It doesn't need your email or anything else. You just create a questionnaire pair, you give out the proper link to your partner, you click on your link and you both start solving the questionnaires (it doesn't have to be done at the same time of course, the questionnaire links never expire). When you are done you submit your answers and you are taken to the results page. There, if your partner has also finished his/her questionnaire, you will be able to see all the common answers. There is a little twist though: only the partner that gave the least positive answers will be able to see the results. This is done to avoid cheating by checking everything just to reveal your partners answers. If you are the one that sees the answers then you will also be given a link that will help you print cards with all the common answers so that you can play a game with them (put them in a box and draw cards whenever you fell horny).

So give it a try and tell me what you think. The site is over 18 obviously (Although it contains no pictures, yet. Only links to external sites with more info.) and currently only supports heterosexual couples. I'll make a version for homosexual couples when I get a chance.

PS: The questionnaire needs more than one hour to complete but you can save your progress by clicking "Continue later" at the bottom. Just make sure you don't loose the URL, bookmark it so that you can get back later.

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